Logo (USPTO, 03/16/2016)
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The US trademark was filed as Figurative mark on 03/16/2016 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 11/01/2016.
The current status of the mark is "CANCELLED - SECTION 8".
#USPTO: 02.01.06 - Militiamen, Pilgrims, men, Quakers, Men in colonial dress, Pilgrims, Quakers and colonial militiamen, Colonial dress, men wearing #Women wearing folk or historical costume, queens #Women in profile, women's silhouettes, women's shadow #USPTO: 02.07.03 - Groups, males and females #Man and woman (couple wearing a folk or historical costume) #Rabbits, hares #USPTO: 03.15.05 - Turkeys #Other seedlings or germinated seeds #Tankards, glasses with handles #Serving jugs #USPTO: 12.01.07 - Tables, pool, Billiard tables, Cabinets, cabins, Coffee tables, Tables, Table, computer, Table tennis tables, Picnic tables, Nightstands, Game tables, Folding tables, End tables, Dressing tables, Conference tables #Cannons, self-propelled cannons, rocket launchers
Trademark form | Figurative mark |
File reference | 5072558 |
Register number | 86942315 |
Application date | March 16, 2016 |
Entry date | November 1, 2016 |
Expiration date | November 1, 2026 |
ID: 13