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The US trademark LIQUICITY was filed as Word mark on 09/28/2011 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 12/11/2012. The current status of the mark is "CANCELLED - SECTION 8".

Trademark Details

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 85434681
Register number 4258840
Application date September 28, 2011
Publication date February 21, 2012
Entry date December 11, 2012

Trademark owner

2881 N. LeCompte
65803 Springfield

Trademark representatives

goods and services

1 biological preparations, other than for medical or veterinary use, namely, protein-manipulating and protein-modifying preparations for purifying water; biological preparations, other than for medical or veterinary use, namely, protein-manipulating and protein-modifying preparations for adjusting, balancing, buffering, stabilizing, controlling, and regulating pH for water and perishable substances; biological preparations, other than for medical or veterinary use, namely, protein-manipulating and protein-modifying preparations for adjusting and buffering the alkalinity and hardness of water; biological preparations, other than for medical or veterinary use, namely, protein-manipulating and protein-modifying preparations for decalcifying water; biological preparations, other than for medical or veterinary use, namely, protein-manipulating and protein-modifying preparations for treating water and wastewater; biological preparations, other than for medical or veterinary use, namely, protein-manipulating and protein-modifying preparations for removing and eliminating water contaminants; biological preparations, other than for medical or veterinary use, namely, protein-manipulating and protein-modifying preparations for treating effluent, sewage, water, and soil; biological preparations, other than for medical or veterinary use, namely, protein-manipulating and protein-modifying preparations for reducing organic substances in polluted water, sewage, and solid waste materials; biological preparations, other than for medical or veterinary use, namely, protein-manipulating and protein-modifying preparations for use as a food preservative; and biological preparations, other than for medical or veterinary use, namely, protein-manipulating and protein-modifying preparations for use as a fertilizer and a soil additive and conditioner to create nutrient-rich planting environments for horticultural and agricultural uses, resulting in increased plant and crop fertility, growth, productivity, and longevity
5 biological preparations, other than for medical or veterinary use, namely, protein-manipulating and protein-modifying preparations for use as an algaecide and biocide

ID: 1385434681