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The US trademark MYGAS was filed as Word mark on 01/24/2018 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 04/30/2019. The current status of the mark is "REGISTERED".

Trademark Details

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 79233709
Register number 5736243
Application date January 24, 2018
Publication date February 12, 2019
Entry date April 30, 2019

goods and services

9 Computer application software for smartphones and tablets for promotion, sending of estimates, sale, monitoring of training, order tracking and provision of online information, namely, invoices, stock status, consumption analysis and security files, for industrial and medical gases as well as equipment and services relating thereto
35 Online promotional services; administrative processing and tracking of purchase orders and online sales of industrial and medical gases as well as equipment and services related thereto; provision of business information via global computer, namely, invoices, stock status, consumption analysis and security files, for industrial and medical gases as well as equipment and services related thereto
38 Provision of access to an Internet or Extranet portal for promotion, sending of estimates, sale, monitoring of training, order tracking and provision of online information, namely, invoices, stock status, consumption analysis and security files, for industrial and medical gases as well as equipment and services relating thereto

ID: 1379233709