Logo (USPTO, 01/27/2017)
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The US trademark was filed as Figurative mark on 01/27/2017 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 01/09/2018.
The current status of the mark is "REGISTERED".
#USPTO: 02.11.25 - Tongue, human, Spine, human, Blood vessels, human, Brain, human, Buttocks, human, Human, other parts of the body, Intestines, human, Lungs, human, Nerves, human, Nose, human #USPTO: 26.01.26 - Coils, Spirals, Swirls #USPTO: 26.17.09 - Bars, curved, Curved line(s), band(s) or bar(s), Lines, curved, Bands, curved #USPTO: 26.19.01 - Spheres (geometric)
Trademark form | Figurative mark |
File reference | 5372240 |
Register number | 79207173 |
Application date | January 27, 2017 |
Entry date | January 9, 2018 |
Expiration date | January 9, 2028 |
ID: 13