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The US trademark MAGNUM was filed as Word mark on 03/16/2011 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 08/14/2012. The current status of the mark is "CANCELLED – SECTION 71".

Trademark Details

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 79101448
Register number 4188549
Application date March 16, 2011
Publication date May 29, 2012
Entry date August 14, 2012

Trademark owner

Trademark representatives

goods and services

13 Explosives; bulk and packaged explosives; explosives compositions for use in mining, construction, quarrying, engineering and related industries, namely, explosive powders and blasting explosives; explosive accessories for electric and non-electric initiation of explosives, namely, shockwave conductors, plastic and metal shock tubing, detonators, transmitter caps, connecting blocks, explosive primers, and fuses

ID: 1379101448