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The US trademark ONE-LOK was filed as Word mark on 09/17/2009 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 02/01/2011. The current status of the mark is "IR CANCELLED; US REGISTRATION CANCELLED".

Trademark Details

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 79075545
Register number 3913210
Application date September 17, 2009
Publication date November 16, 2010
Entry date February 1, 2011

Trademark owner

Newmains Avenue
PA4 9RR Inchinnan, Renfrewshire

goods and services

10 Surgical and medical apparatus, devices and instruments, namely, implantable medical devices, namely, cardiac valves for surgical prostheses, stents, prosthetic vascular grafts, vascular prostheses, artificial vascular grafts, artificial endovascular grafts, catheters; medical devices for use in endovascular procedures, namely, coils, angiographic catheters, microcatheters, guidewires, intravascular balloon, blood filters, catheters, stents and guide catheters; synthetic stent grafts; medical instruments for intraluminal emplacement of stents or of synthetic stent grafts, namely, stent delivery systems, stent graft delivery systems, and delivery systems for stent graft systems; stent graft systems comprised of synthetic stent grafts having leg components of variable lengths, and parts and fittings therefor

ID: 1379075545