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Die US-Marke STI PEARLCOAT wurde als Wortmarke am 19.09.2007 beim Amerikanischen Patent- und Markenamt angemeldet.
Sie wurde am 07.07.2009 im Markenregister eingetragen. Der aktuelle Status der Marke ist "IR CANCELLED; US REGISTRATION CANCELLED".


Markenform Wortmarke
Aktenzeichen 79044451
Registernummer 3651231
Anmeldedatum 19. September 2007
Veröffentlichungsdatum 21. April 2009
Eintragungsdatum 07. Juli 2009


CH-9323 Steinach


Waren und Dienstleistungen

6 Common metals and their alloys; metal pipes and tubes; goods of common metal and chromium steel, namely, metal cylinders for printing machines and printing units, metal security lock cylinders, metal garage door rollers, metal security lock liners, metal gun barrels, automotive dies and molds of metal, metal aircraft chassis parts and metal hydraulic components for the aeronautic industries, and metal valves not being parts of machines, the foregoing in the fields of paper and print, general industries, marine propulsion, defense technology, automotive, aeronautics and monochrome fields; ores, namely, iron ores, chrome iron ores and cobalt ores; coated surfaces of metal and chromium steel for metal cylinders for printing machines and printing units, metal security lock cylinders, metal garage door rollers, metal security lock liners, metal gun barrels, automotive dies and molds of metal, metal aircraft chassis parts and metal hydraulic components for the aeronautic industries, and metal valves not being parts of machines, the foregoing in the fields of paper and print, general industries, marine propulsion, defense technology, automotive, aeronautics and monochrome fields
40 Treatment of materials in the nature of metal, chromium steel, and nanochrome, namely, hard chrome plating, structural chrome plating, nanochrome plating, thermal spray coating, nickel plating, zinc chromating, chromium/PTFE coating, nickel silicon carbide dispersion coating, cadmium plating, white zinc coating, anodizing, and burnishing; providing services for coating and processing of steel, cast iron, copper, brass, bronze, aluminum chrome, synthetic materials and magnesium; grinding, polishing and tempering of metal, galvanization, chromium plating and magnetization of metal; custom die trimming of material for others; chromium plating, namely, providing hard chromium surfaces for others
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ID: 1379044451