Installations for producing munitions (machines) with their spare parts
Scientific, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, measuring apparatus and instruments; electric and electronic apparatus, devices, instruments, components and equipment (included in this class); apparatus, instruments and installations for controlling air space, apparatus for controlling firing parameters and other command systems; target detection, tracking and measuring installations, plotting apparatus and its accessories, such as radar, electro-optical apparatus, aiming devices with their accessories; sensors; stabilization instruments; apparatus and instruments for supplying energy to fire control systems and other weapon mounts; computers; microprocessors; electronic apparatus for information processing, including screens and printers; communication apparatus and installations composed from such apparatus; printed circuits; hybrid circuits; printed circuits with and without components; theodolites; telescopes; recording installations; apparatus and instruments (included in this class) for instruction systems for operating fire predictors and weapon systems
Firearms, including anti-aircraft pieces, cannons, missiles, spare parts and accessories thereof; weapon systems; munitions and projectiles; sights for firearms (other than telescopic sights)
Non-metallic light construction parts for spacecraft; plates and sheets as payload enclosures; non-metallic, folding, inflatable and self-hardening construction parts for astronautics; construction parts of composite materials (carbon fibre, glass fibre); construction parts, layer assemblies (sandwich parts); launching ramps for missiles and rockets with their accessories and spare parts (included in this class); all these materials of Swiss origin
All services of engineers (appraisal, estimation, research, expertise); updating of computer programs; analysis of software systems; programming and configuration of software; maintenance and support for computer programs; technical research; construction planning; technical project planning; development of programs for data processing; services of research and development for new products; management of patents