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The US trademark LIVING-E was filed as Figurative mark on 05/24/2006 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 04/01/2008. The current status of the mark is "IR CANCELLED; US REGISTRATION CANCELLED".

Trademark Details

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 79031343
Register number 3405667
Application date May 24, 2006
Publication date January 15, 2008
Entry date April 1, 2008

Trademark owner

67657 Kaiserslautern

goods and services

9 Computer software based on artificial intelligence that is able to understand, classify, and respond to written and speech correspondence for the management of e-mail, letters, faxes, and speech correspondence, provided in the business to business environment
42 Computer programming and computer software design based on artificial intelligence that is able to understand, classify and respond to written and speech correspondence for the management of e-mail, letters, faxes, and speech correspondence; computer application software rental; computer software licensing; all of which are provided in the business to business environment

ID: 1379031343