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The US trademark was filed as Figurative mark on 09/23/2005 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 04/07/2009. The current status of the mark is "IR CANCELLED; US REGISTRATION CANCELLED".

Trademark Details

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 79027381
Register number 3602578
Application date September 23, 2005
Publication date January 20, 2009
Entry date April 7, 2009

Trademark owner

CH-6438 Ibach

Trademark representatives

goods and services

8 Hand-operated tools, cutlery and implements, namely, tweezers, files and nail files, knives and pen knives; scissors and nail clippers, saws, pincers and spring clippers, key tools, screwdrivers, forks, spoons; non-electric can openers, wire cutters, cap removers, awls for pricking and drilling, scrapers, chisels, wire benders, wire strippers, fish descalers, wire crimping tools
9 Measuring and control apparatus, namely, altimeters, thermometers, optical instruments, namely, magnifying glasses; measuring instruments, namely, compasses, spirit levels, pressure gauges; LCD displays; apparatus and instruments for conducting switching, converting, storing, regulating and controlling electricity, namely, electrical adapters, batteries, electric circuits, electric wires, electric conductors, electric contacts and voltage regulators; apparatus for recording, transmitting and reproducing sound and images; blank magnetic data recording carriers; calculating machines, data processing devices, namely, interface cards in the form of printed circuits and computers

ID: 1379027381