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The US trademark QIAGEN QUALITY was filed as Word mark on 06/22/2006 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 04/15/2008. The current status of the mark is "REGISTERED AND RENEWED".

Trademark Details

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 78914195
Register number 3413364
Application date June 22, 2006
Publication date April 17, 2007
Entry date April 15, 2008

Trademark owner

Post-Code 870
40724 Hilden

Trademark representatives

goods and services

1 Chemical, biochemical and biotechnological products for industrial and scientific purposes, namely, diagnostic preparations, except for medical and veterinary medical purposes; reagents and solvents for scientific and research use for the preparation of samples, the modification and manipulation of samples and for performing marking, separation, isolation, purification, reproduction and analysis methods for biopolymers, namely, nucleic acids, proteins, macromolecules and biologically active substances; kits comprising chemical preparations for scientific purposes for the preparation of samples, the modification and manipulation of samples and for the marking, separation, isolation, purification, reproduction and the analysis of biopolymers, in, namely, nucleic acids, proteins, macromolecules, and biologically active substances, in the nature of nucleic acids from biological and biochemical sample material
5 Diagnostic preparations for medical and veterinary medical purposes, namely, for the preparation of samples, the modification and manipulation of samples and for the marking, separation, isolation, purification and reproduction and analysis of biopolymers, namely, nucleic acids, proteins, macromolecules and biologically active substances; chemical, biochemical and biotechnological products, namely, reagents and solvents for medical use for the preparation of samples, the modification and the manipulation of samples and for performing marking, separation, isolation, purification, reproduction and analysis methods for biopolymers, namely, nucleic acids, proteins, macromolecules and biologically active substances for diagnostic purposes; kits comprising diagnostic preparations for medical and veterinary medical diagnostic purposes for the preparation of samples, the modification and manipulation of samples and for marking, separation, isolation, purification, reproduction and analysis of biopolymers, namely, nucleic acids, proteins, macromolecules and biologically active substances in the nature of nucleic acids from biological or biochemical sample material
9 Scientific apparatus, instruments and equipment for research and examination purposes, namely, chromatography columns; laboratory equipment, measuring apparatus and instruments, namely, laboratory robots and laboratory incubators for the preparation, modification and manipulation of samples, and for the marking, separation, isolation, purification, reproduction and analysis of biopolymers, namely, nucleic acids, proteins, macromolecules and biologically active substances in the nature of nucleic acids from biological or biochemical sample material
42 [ Scientific and technological research and development in the fields of chemistry, genetics, biology and biochemistry; diagnostic services in the fields of DNA, RNA and protein detection and analysis; design for others in the fields of chemistry, genetics, biology and biochemistry ]

ID: 1378914195