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The US trademark UNITED STATES HUNTER JUMPER ASSOCIATION was filed as Word mark on 03/17/2006 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 04/03/2007. The current status of the mark is "CANCELLED - SECTION 8".

Trademark Details

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 78839635
Register number 3226207
Application date March 17, 2006
Entry date April 3, 2007

Trademark owner

3870 Cigar Lane
40511 Lexington

Trademark representatives

goods and services

16 Printed publications, namely newsletters, brochures and pamphlets featuring the hunter and jumper disciplines of equestrian sport
35 Association services, namely, promoting the interests of individuals in the hunter and jumper disciplines of equestrian sport
41 Education services, namely, providing clinics and mentoring in the field of horses and hunter and jumper disciplines of equestrian sport, providing incentives to equestrian hunter and jumpers to demonstrate excellence in hunter and jumper disciplines of equestrian sport; and organization of equestrian hunter and jumper competitions
42 Developing and promulgating standards, practices and regulations for awards programs for the hunter and jumper disciplines of equestrian sports; developing and promulgating standards and practices and regulations for competition class for hunter seat equitation style of riding; and developing standards and curriculum for hunter and jumper judges and stewards

ID: 1378839635