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The US trademark was filed as Figurative mark on 07/14/2005 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 12/11/2007. The current status of the mark is "CANCELLED - SECTION 8".

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#One circle #USPTO: 26.01.09 - Circles having objects as a border, Circles having plants as a border, Geometric figures, objects, humans, plants or animals forming or bordering the perimeter of a circle., Circles having humans as a border, Circles having animals as a border, Circles having geometric figures as a border #Circles containing inscriptions arranged in circular form #USPTO: 26.13.13 - Quadrilateral (two quadrilaterals), Two quadrilaterals #USPTO: 26.13.21 - Quadrilaterals that are completely or partially shaded

Trademark Details Last update: March 31, 2022

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 3351990
Register number 78670769
Application date July 14, 2005
Entry date December 11, 2007
Expiration date December 11, 2017

Trademark owner

12-14 Finch Road
IM12PT Douglas

Trademark representatives

114 West 47th Street 10036-1525 New York US

goods and services

9 Electrical and Scientific Apparatus
35 Advertising and Business
42 Scientific and computer services

ID: 13