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The US trademark LEGAL & LEDGER was filed as Word mark on 12/02/2004 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 07/31/2007. The current status of the mark is "CANCELLED - SECTION 8".

Trademark Details

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 78526155
Register number 3272816
Application date December 2, 2004
Publication date April 25, 2006
Entry date July 31, 2007

Trademark owner

One Parkway North Boulevard
600152559 Deerfield

Trademark representatives

goods and services

35 Printed catalog services featuring a full range of office products, technology products, computer equipment, supplies, and peripherals, ink, toner, and other technology consumables, business machines, business presentation products, furniture, and janitorial and cleaning supplies; Marketing services rendered to others for a full range of office products, technology products, computer equipment, supplies, and peripherals, ink, toner, and other technology consumables, business machines, business presentation products, furniture, and janitorial and cleaning supplies; logistics services in the field of office equipment and office supplies; order fulfillment services

ID: 1378526155