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The US trademark HH SMITH was filed as Word mark on 10/01/2004 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 10/24/2006. The current status of the mark is "CANCELLED - SECTION 8".

Trademark Details

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 78493191
Register number 3161586
Application date October 1, 2004
Publication date August 8, 2006
Entry date October 24, 2006

Trademark owner

632 Arch Street
16335 Meadville

Trademark representatives

goods and services

9 Electronic components and connectors, namely, decoupled filter connectors, BNC receptacles, BNC plugs and terminators, standard phono plugs, positive locking phono plugs, miniature phono plugs and jacks, PCB mount phono jacks, chassis mount phono jacks, coaxial antenna plugs, RF connectors; electronic test equipment, namely, test leads, test lead kits composed primarily of insulated wire leads, alligator clips, banana plugs, spade lugs and phone tips, oscilloscope probes, jumpers, patch cords, test prods, test lead attachments, dual instrument test adapters, binding posts, banana plugs, banana jacks, tip plugs, test jacks, printed circuit test jacks; computer hardware, namely, computer terminal strip boards, and computer terminals; computer wrist board supports
40 Manufacturing of custom coaxial connectors, cable assemblies and electrical devices, custom machining, molding, assembling and plating of all types

ID: 1378493191