Ascom TEQGate - The Ascom Technical Equipment Gateway is comprised of the following two components-- · Ascom Embedded LInux SErver (ELISE) · TEQGate Software Application The Ascom ELISE platform is a solid state, Linux-based embedded computer for high security and reliability; The Ascom TEQGate Software Application enables the integration of all popular Building Management Systems (BMS) to the Ascom on-site wireless communications platform as well as all relevant wide-area paging and short messaging enabled carriers; The integration with a BMS accelerates communications within facilities management department; Engineers and technicians are notified instantly with a detailed text message to their wireless device when an equipment alarm triggers; Facilities management personnel automatically receive notification the moment a critical alarm is introduces to the BMS; A short text message is sent to assigned Ascom wireless handset, on-site pocket pager, or wide area device for nighttime on-call notification, through the integration of the BMS and the Ascom on-site wireless platform using the Ascom TEQGate application module; This integration eliminates time lost with conventional delivery and improves response times to critical alarms; Quicker response improves facilities management staff efficiency as well as patient and caregiver comfort; This solution would typically include wireless infrastructure, software, wireless devices, the TEQGate platform and integration with the existing BMS and telephone system