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The US trademark LISALARA GOURMET was filed as Word mark on 03/26/2010 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 09/27/2011. The current status of the mark is "CANCELLED - SECTION 8".

Trademark Details Last update: June 16, 2018

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 77969819
Register number 4032328
Application date March 26, 2010
Publication date November 30, 2010
Entry date September 27, 2011

Trademark owner

251 Andrews Road
11501 Mineola

Trademark representatives

goods and services

30 Bubble gum; Candy; Candy bars; Candy coated popcorn; Candy mints; Candy with caramel; Candy with cocoa; Caramel popcorn; Caramels; Chewing gums; Chocolate; Chocolate bars; Chocolate candies; Chocolate chips; Chocolate covered cocoa nibs; Chocolate covered fruit; Chocolate covered nuts; Chocolate covered popcorn; Chocolate covered pretzels; Chocolate covered raisins; Chocolate covered roasted coffee beans; Chocolate truffles; Chocolate-based ready-to-eat food bars; Chocolates and chocolate based ready to eat candies and snacks; Confectioneries, namely, snack foods, namely, chocolate; Confectionery made of sugar; Cookies; Glazed popcorn; Gummy candies; Lollipops; Milk chocolate; Peanut brittle; Peanut butter confectionery chips; Peppermint candy; Peppermint sweets; Popcorn; Popped popcorn; Processed unpopped popcorn; Snack foods, namely, chocolate-based snack foods; Snack mix consisting primarily of crackers, pretzels, candied nuts and/or popped popcorn; Sugar-coated almonds; Sugar-coated hard caramels; Sugar-free chewing gum; Sugarfree sweets; Sugarless candies; Sweets; Toffee; Unpopped popcorn

ID: 1377969819