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The US trademark T BREWING CONSULTING, LLC was filed as Word mark on 12/21/2009 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 02/01/2011. The current status of the mark is "CANCELLED - SECTION 8".

Trademark Details Last update: June 15, 2018

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 77897807
Register number 3912933
Application date December 21, 2009
Publication date November 16, 2010
Entry date February 1, 2011

Trademark owner

1220 L Street NW
20005 Washington

Trademark representatives

goods and services

41 Education and training services, namely, classroom training, online training and web-based training to others to enhance job skills and professional capabilities, namely, corporate training, diversity training, professional development training, leadership development training, management training, sales team building training; Educational services, namely, providing technical training in the field of information technology systems; education services, namely, providing a customized web-based training curriculum and content based on others needs; Educational services, namely, arranging professional workshops and training courses and conducting classes, seminars, conferences, and workshops to others all of the foregoing in the field of enhancing job skills and professional capabilities; audio recording and video production services; desktop publishing for others; page layout services other than for advertising purposes; photography services
42 Computer services, namely, website design and development services for others, namely, design and development of e-commerce websites; graphic design services for others, namely, providing graphic design services for banner advertisements, brochures, business cards and letterheads, corporate identity designs, icons, illustrations, logos, package designs, poster designs, presentations, print advertisements, signage and stationery; animation and 3D graphics design for others, design of custom paintings; new product design services

ID: 1377897807