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The US trademark MIRABRIGHT was filed as Word mark on 12/28/2006 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 11/18/2008. The current status of the mark is "CANCELLED - SECTION 8".

Trademark Details Last update: May 23, 2018

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 76670905
Register number 3532864
Application date December 28, 2006
Publication date February 19, 2008
Entry date November 18, 2008

Trademark owner

1621, Sakazu
Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture

Trademark representatives

goods and services

9 Liquid crystal displays; light emitting liquid crystal displays; personal computers; and portable telephones
17 Semi-finished artificial and synthetic resins in bars, blocks, pellets, rods, sheets and tubes for general industrial use; extruded or casted plastic in the form of bars, blocks, pellets, rods, sheets and tubes for use in manufacturing; and semi-processed plastic in the form of films, sheets, tubes, bars, or rods

ID: 1376670905