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The US trademark DURAPALM was filed as Word mark on 07/14/2006 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 03/11/2008. The current status of the mark is "CANCELLED - SECTION 8".

Trademark Details Last update: May 23, 2018

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 76663027
Register number 3393819
Application date July 14, 2006
Publication date July 31, 2007
Entry date March 11, 2008

Trademark owner

1621, Sakazu
Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture

Trademark representatives

goods and services

25 Clothing, namely, evening dresses, school uniforms, children's wear, namely jumpers, infant and toddler one piece clothing, and infant sleepers; uniforms; jackets; jogging pants; sweat pants; suits; skirts; ski jackets; ski pants; trousers; smocks; formalwear, namely bowties, cummerbunds, tuxedos and gowns; cardigans; sweaters; vests; open-necked shirts; cuffs; collars; sports shirts; blouses; polo shirts; shirts; outerwear, namely, overcoats, coats, cloaks and raincoats; nightwear; underwear; swimwear; Japanese traditional clothing, namely, Kimonos; aprons; wearable collar protectors; socks and stockings; puttees and gaiters; fur stoles; shawls; scarves; babies' diapers of textile; neckties; neckerchiefs; bandanas; warmth-keeping supporters; mufflers; ear muffs; hoods; nightcaps; headgear, namely, hats and caps; gloves and mittens; gloves for operating bicycles, motorcycles and automobiles; garters; sock suspenders; suspenders; waistbands; belts for clothing; footwear; masquerade costumes; clothes for sports, namely, shorts, shirts, anoraks, wind resistant jackets, ski suits, vests, sports team uniforms, hosiery and stockings, wristbands and gymnastic wear, namely, tights and pullovers, all for sports; boots and shoes for sports

ID: 1376663027