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The US trademark MAGILOCK was filed as Word mark on 06/09/2005 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 05/29/2007. The current status of the mark is "REGISTERED AND RENEWED".

Trademark Details Last update: May 23, 2018

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 76640523
Register number 3245795
Application date June 9, 2005
Publication date March 13, 2007
Entry date May 29, 2007

Trademark owner

1621, Sakazu
Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture

Trademark representatives

goods and services

26 Hook and pile fastening tapes; hook and loop fasteners;[ buttons, namely, fasteners for tabi or Japanese socks, beads for handicraft work, snap fasteners, press fasteners and press studs,] slide fasteners, zippers, [strap buckles; shuttles for making fishing nets; hosiery loom needles; needles; eyelets for clothing; semi-finished tapes; ribbons; knitted raschel lace fabrics; embroidery lace fabrics, namely, lace trimming; semi-finished tufts and tassels; braids; knitting needles; sewing boxes; sewing thimbles; pin and needle cushions; sewing needle cases not of precious metal; armbands specifically used to hold needles for dressmaking; clothing accessories, namely, embroidered insignias; badges for wear not of precious metal;] buckles for clothing [; clothing accessories, namely, brooches and sash clips not of precious metal; bonnet pins not of precious metal; clothing accessories, namely, brassards; hair ornaments; artificial flowers; false beards; false moustaches; non-electric hair curlers; shoe ornaments not of precious metal; shoe eyelets; shoe laces; metal fasteners for shoes and boots]

ID: 1376640523