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The US trademark FRISCON was filed as Word mark on 10/24/2002 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 09/05/2006. The current status of the mark is "CANCELLED - SECTION 8".

Trademark Details Last update: August 6, 2019

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 76461291
Register number 3139441
Application date October 24, 2002
Publication date September 21, 2004
Entry date September 5, 2006

Trademark owner


Trademark representatives

goods and services

42 Design of plant machinery for others; product safety testing, namely, testing of machinery; inspection of industrial plants and machinery; analysis and evaluation of damage and failure mechanisms, namely, utilizing developed systems and standards to investigate the way in which material or construction flaws cause damage or failure in close interaction with organizational negligence or weakness and natural conditions that result in catastrophes in the field of industrial technologies; scientific and industrial research and calculation; testing of materials and components in the field of plant and other machinery, including oil and lubricants; evaluation of component defects, namely of plant and other machinery; evaluation of electrical and electronic systems comprised of all kinds of electrical applications, such as generators, transformers, integrated circuits, scanning electrone miscroscopy, X-ray powder diffractometry, thermograph; scientific analysis of plastic and metal components, water, oil and lubricants; chemical testing; physical testing of plastic and metal components, water, oil and lubricants; mechanical testing of all parts of machinery and metal, plastic or electrical components; inspection and testing for others with regard to machinery and plan safety; chemical testing and analysis of water, oil and lubricants; consulting services in the area of environmental management, namely environmental due diligence consisting of analyzing how the management of a company deals with environmental affairs, such as possible environmental hazards, water and soil pollution, waste handling and product disposal and recycling; and consulting in the area of product safety; providing information in the field of scientific analysis and testing via the Internet
45 Investigation services related to insurance claims and providing information in the field thereof via the Internet

ID: 1376461291