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The US trademark MAIL BITS was filed as Word mark on 05/23/2000 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The current status of the mark is "ABANDONED-FAILURE TO RESPOND OR LATE RESPONSE".

Trademark Details Last update: May 15, 2018

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 76053985
Application date May 23, 2000

Trademark owner

150-28 Union Turnpike, Suite 550
11367 Flushing

Trademark representatives

goods and services

28 games
35 on-line computer auction services; employment recruiting; providing information in the field of pet care, health and beauty by means of a global computer network; providing news, horoscopes, inspirational thoughts and tips for website owners by means of a global computer network; dissemination of advertising for others via an on-line electronic communications network providing trivia, humor, free offers and quotes by means of a global computer network
36 providing rebates and rewards at participating establishments of others through use of a membership card; stock exchange price quotations
38 providing on-line electronic bulletin boards for transmission of messages among computer users in a wide variety of fields; providing on-line chat rooms for transmission of messages among computer users concerning a wide variety of fields; electronic mail services; promoting the goods and services of others by arranging for sponsors to affiliate their goods and services
41 lottery, sweepstakes and raffle services
42 hosting the websites of others on a computer server for a global computer network; design and development of websites for others; news analysis and features distribution

ID: 1376053985