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The US trademark ELASTICMUSIC was filed as Word mark on 02/17/2000 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 09/17/2002. The current status of the mark is "CANCELLED - SECTION 8".

Trademark Details Last update: July 31, 2019

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 75922059
Register number 2621876
Application date February 17, 2000
Publication date September 18, 2001
Entry date September 17, 2002

Trademark owner

245 Lawton Avenue, Suite G-1
07010 Cliffside Park

Trademark representatives

goods and services

9 Pre-recorded compact discs, pre-recorded audiocassettes, pre-recorded CD-ROMs, and pre-recorded DVDs; and downloadable musical sound recordings
35 On-line retail store services featuring the original music of others in electronic form via the global computer network; direct mail marketing and advertising of pre-recorded compact discs, audiocassettes, CD-ROMs and DVDs containing a collection of music; and providing general information via the Internet in the field of advertising
41 Providing general information via the Internet in the field of entertainment, namely, the television, radio and motion picture industries; on-line interactive database of pre-recorded music via the global computer network

ID: 1375922059