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The US trademark E.SPACE was filed as Word mark on 10/26/1998 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 12/21/2004. The current status of the mark is "CANCELLED - SECTION 8".

Trademark Details Last update: July 27, 2019

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 75577801
Register number 2911881
Application date October 26, 1998
Publication date September 28, 2004
Entry date December 21, 2004

Trademark owner

Boulevard de I'Europe
91000 EVRY

Trademark representatives

goods and services

16 Printed publications, namely magazines, newsletters, bulletins, brochures, and booklets featuring information related to the space and satellite industries
38 telecommunication services related to the space and satellite industries, namely providing telecommunication connections to a global computer network; communication services via telephone communication services; satellite transmission services; electronic transmission of messages and data; electronic transmission of data and documents via computer terminals; electronic mail services providing on-line electronic bulletin boards for transmission of messages concerning the space and satellite industries among computer and providing multiple user access to a global computer information network

ID: 1375577801