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The US trademark KULMBACHER MONCHSHOF was filed as Word and figurative mark on 10/14/1993 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 04/22/1997.
The current status of the mark is "REGISTERED AND RENEWED".
#Men wearing folk or historical costume, cowboys, king, indian, mexican, pirate, viking, Napoleon #Bowls or baskets of fruit #USPTO: 11.03.15 - Wine glasses, Stemware (glasses), Champagne glasses, Glasses with stems, Goblets #USPTO: 20.03.10 - Labels, alcohol bottles, Bottles, labels for alcohol bottles, Alcohol bottle labels, Bottle labels, Labels for bottles #Triangles containing one or more numerals #USPTO: 26.03.21 - Ovals that are completely or partially shaded
Trademark form | Word and figurative mark |
File reference | 2053743 |
Register number | 74448473 |
Application date | October 14, 1993 |
Entry date | April 22, 1997 |
Expiration date | April 22, 2027 |
ID: 13