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The US trademark DOMOGYR was filed as Word mark on 06/18/1990 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 04/27/1993. The current status of the mark is "CANCELLED - SECTION 8".

Trademark Details Last update: April 23, 2018

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 74070395
Register number 1767177
Application date June 18, 1990
Publication date September 1, 1992
Entry date April 27, 1993

Trademark owner

Trademark representatives

goods and services

7 valves, valve drives and pneumatic drives for control elements being parts of heating, ventilating and air conditioning units and installations
9 computers, computer peripherals, data processing appliances; programmable microprocessor systems comprising an operator's unit, operator's interface, and electronic terminal strips for measuring, regulating, controlling, signalling, and adjusting technical process equipments in building services plants by electrical, electronic, optical, photographic, videotechnical, and mechanical means; electrical, electromechanical and electronic apparatus for measuring, regulating and control of electrical values such as current, voltage, power, energy, and of non-electrical values such as temperature, pressure, humidity, luminous intensity and density; servo motor electromotive, electro-thermal, blinds and Venetian blinds; electrical, electromechanical and electronic heating element regulators, heat meters; safety sensors in the nature of door and window switches, occupancy-sensors, and light barriers; apparatus for use in the remote supervision and remote control for heating controllers, light systems, blinds and Venetian blinds, electrical household appliances and electronic equipment for entertainment, telecommunication, radio, audio, video and TV-equipment; electric cables and strip terminals; electrical switches, sockets, dimmers and time-switches; data-processors, data-carriers for electronic data-processing; system-or user-data-processing programs recorded on data-carrier
11 air conditioning and ventilation units for commercial, domestic and industrial use
16 instruction manuals and printed plans for setting up measurement, control and regulation programs

ID: 1374070395