[Pliant Synthetic ]Plastic [Fabrics,] SHeeting, or Film, [Suitable for Use IN THe Manufacture of Yard Goods for HomE FABrication; Binding Tapes and DecoratIVE Tapes, Adhesive Tape, Insulating TapE. FRiction Tape; Binding and Decorative STRAnds or Cords; Bags, Duffle Bags, BaTHING Suit Bags, Food Bags, Bags for SilVERWAre, Wardrobe Bags, Shoe Bags, LaundRY BAgs, Pillow Bags, Lingerie Bags; CosMETIC Kits and Bags, Toilet Article Kits AND Bags, Bags for Fountain Syringes; BOXES, Hat Boxes, Bags, and Stands; Cases, CIGarette Cases, Pipe Cases, Gun Cases, TOOl Cases, Cases for Musical InstrumeNTS And Parts; Pouches, Tobacco Pouches, WALLets, Pocket Books, Purses, Holsters; LUGgage Covers, Shelf Covers, Shelf EdGING, Furniture Covers, Table Covers, BrIDGE Table Covers, Doilies, Chair Covers, SEAt Covers, Electric Fan Covers, ElecTRIC Appliance Covers, Tennis and BadminTON Racket Covers, Covers for Musical InSTRUMents, Bowl Covers, Food Covers, KitCHEN Appliance Covers, Garment Covers, GARMENt Shoulder Covers, Mattress Cases, MATTRess Pad Covers, Crib and Carriage SHEETIng, Hospital Sheeting, Head-Rest CoVERS, Office Appliance Covers, Book CoveRS, Tarpaulins; Dog Harness, Dog Leashes; WATerproof Boot and Shoe Laces; Racket STRIngs, Sportsmen's Clothing; Bathing FLOATs and Novelties; Wading Boots and WADERS, Hose for Distribution of Water anD OTHer Fluids; Bibs, Aprons, Cosmetic MAKEUP Capes; Gloves, Mittens; Rain Coats, RAIn, Shower and Bathing Caps, Rain HaTS, Rain and Shower Hoods, Rain Capes, COATS, Jackets, Smocks, Trousers, Vests, WINDBreakers, Belts; Straps, Wristwatch STRAPs; Hosiery Heel Protectors; Dress SHIELDs; Shower Curtains, Window Curtains; PARasols, Umbrellas; Razor Strops; RepLACEMent Half Soles for Shoes; ReplacemENT INner Soles for Shoes, Rain Sandals aND RUbbers, and ]for Various [Other ] USES INTHE INDUSTRIAL ARTS