CarpeDM by Heineken

EUIPO EUIPO 2024 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark CarpeDM by Heineken was filed as Word mark on 05/28/2024 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 10/08/2024. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: October 15, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 019033281
Application date May 28, 2024
Publication date July 1, 2024
Entry date October 8, 2024
Expiration date May 28, 2034

Trademark owner

Tweede Weteringplantsoen 21
1017 ZD Amsterdam

Trademark representatives

2Amsterdam Eduard van Beinumstraat 10 3rd Floor 1077 CZ Amsterdam NL

goods and services

35 Advertising, marketing and promotional services, advertising, marketing and promotional services provided on-line from a computer, database, the Internet or other means of telecommunication; Digital advertising services; Services In the field of entertainment marketing, namely Marketing, Promotion and Advertising in the following fields: Entertainment (amusements), music, Sports, beverages; Promotion services, namely provision of the following goods: A website for the promotion of multimedia entertainment content, films and special events
41 Entertainment services; Providing of non-downloadable online video clips and other digital multimedia content featuring audio, video, illustrations and text, in relation to the followings fields: Entertainment services, Musical performances, sports, beverages; Providing of entertainment information via websites; Entertainment services, namely provision of the following goods: Online computer games, online electronic games and online video games; Conducting of events and Conducting of activities, For amusement purposes; Arranging of entertainment events, Conducting of entertainment events and Arranging and hosting of entertainment events, For social purposes; Entertainment events, namely Cultural activities and Art events, Galas, Dance events, balls and social events For amusement purposes; Interactiveentertainment services; online interactive entertainment; Interactive, experimental and immersive public participation events and recreational activities; Entertainment services, namely providing online, non-downloadable interactive media, video clips, photography, music, data, visual effects, and digital collectibles; Entertainment services, namely Arranging and conducting of exhibitions, Arranging and conducting of conferences, Arranging and conducting festivals and Arranging and conducting of congresses in the following fields: Entertainment services, Musical performances, sports, beverages

ID: 11019033281