EUIPO EUIPO 2023 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark PESERICO TRANSITION was filed as Word mark on 10/24/2023 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 02/13/2024. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: February 15, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 018941349
Application date October 24, 2023
Publication date November 6, 2023
Entry date February 13, 2024
Expiration date October 24, 2033

Trademark owner

Via Lucca di Cereda
36073 Cornedo Vicentino (Vicenza)

Trademark representatives

Via Col D'Echele, 25 36100 Vicenza IT

goods and services

14 Jewellery; Paste jewellery; Precious and semi-precious stones; Horological and chronometric instruments
18 Bags; Bags for sports; Chain mesh purses; Shoulder bags; Handbags; Travelling sets [leatherware]; School bags; Envelopes, of leather; School bags; Suitcases; Attaché cases; Attaché cases; Sleeves; Rucksacks; Haversacks; Beach bags; Travelling bags; Pocket wallets; Key holders; Document wallets; Trunks [luggage]; Umbrellas; Parasols; Walking staffs
25 Clothing for gentlemen, ladies and children; Sweat shirts; Sweaters; Tee-shirts; Blouses; Shirts; Clothing for men and women; Cravats; Sweaters; Cardigans; Skirts; Trousers; Trousers shorts; Denim jeans; Sweatpants; Jackets [clothing]; Quilted jackets; Blazers; Coats; Car coats; Overcoats; Gilets; Parkas; Ponchos; Mantles; Quilted jackets; Trench coats; Bomber jackets; Hats; Berets; Gloves [clothing]; Shawls; Socks; Stockings; Underwear; Bathing suits; Waist belts; Footwear

ID: 11018941349