EUIPO EUIPO 2023 Application withdrawn

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The Union trademark CORIUM was filed as Word mark on 10/17/2023 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office. The current status of the mark is "Application withdrawn".

Trademark Details Last update: April 18, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 018938358
Application date October 17, 2023
Publication date November 20, 2023

Trademark owner

Feijóo, 18, 1º iz
28010 Madrid

Trademark representatives

Avenida de Burgos, 16D, 4ª planta Edificio Euromor 28036 Madrid ES

Objection / Complaint

02/16/2024: Identity of marks and G&S Likelihood of confusion

goods and services

18 Imitation leather; Imitation leather; Vegan leather; Polyurethane leather; Imitation leather; Imitation leather sold in bulk; Sheets of imitation leather for use in manufacture; Imitation leather; Imitation leather, in particular, Artificial leather based on biotechnological materials
24 Woven fabrics imitating leather; Fabric of imitation animal skins; Fabric of imitation animal skins

ID: 11018938358