EUIPO EUIPO 2023 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark AIRMATIC was filed as Word mark on 07/03/2023 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 11/28/2023. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: February 9, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 018896268
Application date July 3, 2023
Publication date August 21, 2023
Entry date November 28, 2023
Expiration date July 3, 2033

Trademark owner

Salita Bonsen, 4
16035 Rapallo

Trademark representatives

Largo Michele Novaro, 1/A 43121 Parma IT

goods and services

9 Scientific apparatus and instruments, Nautical apparatus and instruments, Photographic apparatus and instruments, Cinematographic instruments and apparatus, Optical apparatus and instruments, Measuring apparatus and instruments, Signalling apparatus and instruments, control apparatus and instruments, Life-saving apparatus and instruments, Lifesaving apparatus and instruments; USB hardware; Diving equipment; Breathing apparatus for underwater swimming; Air regulators for divers; Snorkels; Underwater dive computers; Regulators for scuba diving; Compressed air bailout units for diving; Mouthpieces for water sports; Scuba masks; Wet suits for above-the-water sports; Weight belts for divers; Buoyancy control devices; Divers' life jackets; Gas canisters for diving; Diving weights; Protective goggles for watersports; Sensors and devices for measuring depth; Signalling buoys for diving; Surface marker buoys and lifting bags for divers and for watersports; Compasses for measuring; Footwear for divers; Breathing tubes; Rebreathers for diving; High-pressure and low-pressure hoses for divers; Spools for distance line for divers; Underwater sonar surveying apparatus; Over-pressure valves; Corrugated hoses for diving regulators; Sensors and devices for measuring pressure; Watertight containers for sport; Protective clothing for watersports; Dive skins; Writing slates for divers; Underwater notebooks for divers; Underwater cameras; Gloves for divers; Underwater acoustic-detecting apparatus; Bands of neoprene for masks for diving; Hoods for use in watersports; Ear plugs for divers; Computer bags; Pressure gauges; Dispenser holders
18 Bags for sports; Travelling bags; Wheeled holdalls and bags; Beach bags; Waterproof bags; All-purpose athletic bags; Kit bags; Sports packs
28 Cases adapted for sporting articles; Flippers for diving; Spearguns (scuba equipment); Spearfishing harpoon guns [scuba equipment]; Swimming equipment; Fishing equipment; Straps for diving fins; Carabiners for use in sport; Sporting articles and equipment; Cases adapted for sporting articles; Covers (Shaped -) for sporting articles; Harnesses for use in sports

ID: 11018896268