Ten c

EUIPO EUIPO 2022 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark Ten c was filed as Figurative mark on 12/01/2022 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 05/15/2023. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#One circle #Other geometrical figures, indefinable designs #Red, pink, orange

Trademark Details Last update: February 9, 2024

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 018803476
Application date December 1, 2022
Publication date February 3, 2023
Entry date May 15, 2023
Expiration date December 1, 2032

Trademark owner

Vicolo V. Bellini, 12
35121 PADOVA

Trademark representatives

Piazzetta Cappellato Pedrocchi, 18 35122 Padova IT

goods and services

9 Glasses and spectacles and Parts for all the aforesaid goods; cases for spectacles [glasses] and sunglasses
18 Suitcases; Bags; Rucksacks; Daypacks; Travel baggage; Beauty cases; Pocket wallets; Purses; Key cases
25 Clothing; Undershirts; Shirts; Polo shirts; Sweat shirts; Blouses; Cardigans; Sweaters; Jackets [clothing]; Down jackets; Skirts; Dresses; Trousers shorts; Trousers; Denim jeans; Casual jackets; Raincoats; Cagoules; Parkas; Gloves [clothing]; Waist belts; Scarves; Headscarves; Underwear; Bathing suits; Hosiery; Footwear, sports footwear; Headgear

ID: 11018803476