
EUIPO EUIPO 2022 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark evian was filed as Figurative mark on 07/05/2022 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 12/14/2022. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Letters presenting a special form of writing #Red, pink, orange

Trademark Details Last update: February 14, 2023

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 018728287
Application date July 5, 2022
Publication date September 6, 2022
Entry date December 14, 2022
Expiration date July 5, 2032

Trademark owner

11, avenue du Général Dupas
74500 Evian les Bains

Trademark representatives

9 avenue Percier 75008 Paris FR

goods and services

3 Perfumery; Perfumes; Toilet water; Scented water; Eau de Cologne; Oils for perfumes and scents; Soap, namely beautysoap, Body soaks, Facial soaps, Cosmetic soaps; Essential oils, namely aromatic essential oils, essential oils for personal use and essential oils for cosmetic purposes; Cosmetic preparations for the maintenance of the skin; Hair lotions; Beauty masks; Cosmetics, namely Creams, Milks, Lotions, Sprays All for cosmetic use, Gel for the face, body, hands and feet and Face powder, Body powder, Hand powders and powder for the feet
32 Still or sparkling water (whether or not mineral water); Flavoured waters (mineral or not); Waters enriched with nutrients; Lemonades; Fruit and vegetable juices (beverages); Beverages based on fruit or vegetables; alcohol-free fruit or vegetable extracts; Smoothies; Energy drinks; Isotonic beverages; Non-alcoholic beverages flavoured with tea; Non-alcoholic beverages flavoured with coffee; Non-alcoholic beverages flavored with chocolate; Soda water; Tonic water; Syrups for making beverages; Preparations for making non-alcoholic beverages; Soft drinks; Plant-based non-alcoholic beverages; Non-alcoholic plant-based beverages other than milk product substitutes

ID: 11018728287