EUIPO EUIPO 2022 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark CHEDDAR was filed as Word mark on 07/04/2022 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 10/15/2022. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: October 24, 2022

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 018727342
Application date July 4, 2022
Publication date July 8, 2022
Entry date October 15, 2022
Expiration date July 4, 2032

Trademark owner

Singel 542

Trademark representatives

Leeuwenveldseweg 12 1382 LX Weesp NL

goods and services

9 Software and applications for mobile devices; Software applications; Software for arranging online transactions; Software for card readers; Software for commerce over a global communications network; Software for computers; Software for facilitating secure credit card transactions; Software for mobile phones; Software for online messaging; Software for operating an online shop; Software for optical character recognition; Software for processing electronic payments to and from others; Software for product development; Software for the processing of business transactions; Software platforms to allow users to collect money; Software related to handheld digital electronic devices; Software
35 Financial marketing; Marketing; Marketing information; Marketing research and analysis; Marketing the goods and services of others; Marketing, advertising, and promotional services; Promoting the goods and services of others; Promoting the sale of goods and services of others through promotional events
36 Finance services; Financial analysis and consultancy; Financial and monetary services; Financial and monetary transaction services; Financial consultancy relating to the execution of cashless payment transactions
42 Software as a service; Software as a service [SAAS] services; Software as a service [SaaS] featuring software for machine learning; Software consulting services; Software creation; Software customisation services; Software design; Software design and development; Software development; Software development services; Software development, programming and implementation; Software engineering; Software research
45 Software licensing

ID: 11018727342