neowa we design waste

EUIPO EUIPO 2022 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark neowa we design waste was filed as Figurative mark on 04/26/2022 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 12/13/2022. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Backgrounds, in words or numerals, divided into two, three or four #Two circles juxtaposed #Black #Grey #Orange

Trademark Details Last update: February 14, 2023

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 018692681
Application date April 26, 2022
Publication date June 20, 2022
Entry date December 13, 2022
Expiration date April 26, 2032

Trademark owner

Bahnhofstrasse 29
9470 Buchs

Trademark representatives

Oranienburger Strasse 39 10117 Berlin DE

Objection / Complaint

09/19/2022: Likelihood of confusion
09/19/2022: Likelihood of confusion
Neova Oy

goods and services

37 Construction, Breakdown, Maintenance and fix In relation to the following goods: wind based power plants and Wind power plants; Construction, Breakdown, Maintenance and fix, In relation to the following goods: Waste treatment plants and waste disposal installations; Technical services for installations, namely construction and Assembly; Construction
42 Technical project studies; Conducting technical project studies; Creating technical concepts in the following fields: Building and operating waste treatment plants and waste disposal installations; Creating technical concepts, in the following fields: Dismantling of wind turbines and windmills

ID: 11018692681