EUIPO EUIPO 2022 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark TIGARA was filed as Word mark on 03/28/2022 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 10/25/2022. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: October 27, 2022

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 018678725
Application date March 28, 2022
Publication date July 18, 2022
Entry date October 25, 2022
Expiration date March 28, 2032

Trademark owner


Trademark representatives

20, rue de Chazelles 75847 Paris Cédex 17 FR

goods and services

1 Diesel exhaust fluids; Non-stick chemicals for soldering
4 Oil for tools and machine oils, Anti-seize substances [oils], Cutting fluids, Lubricants, Lubricating greases
7 Agricultural machines and machine tools other than hand-operated tools, Sweeping machines, Log splitters [machines], Saws (machines), Agricultural machines in particular mulch finishers, Bale clamps (parts of agricultural machines), Electric high pressure cleaners, Discs for parting machines, Soldering machines, Air compressors, Degreasing fountains, Mounted tippers (parts of agricultural machines); Discs for parting machines
8 Hand-operated tools; Hand-operated implements in particular Pruning scissors, Rakes, Shovels [hand tools], Pickaxes, Shears, Milling cutters, Spades [hand tools], Pruning knives; Log splitters [hand-operated tools], Saws [hand tools], Bale clamps (agricultural tool)
12 Trailers and tipping bodies to be fitted on or behind vehicles for green space maintenance, tracked vehicles for green space maintenance, including those supporting a tipping body
25 Clothing

ID: 11018678725