EUIPO EUIPO 2021 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark MU was filed as Figurative mark on 11/02/2021 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 04/22/2022. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Moiré surfaces or backgrounds, marble, degrading surfaces, wooden-like surfaces, rainbow colours surfaces #Two circles juxtaposed #Monograms formed of intertwined, overlapping or otherwise combined letters #Letter 'M' #Letter 'U'

Trademark Details Last update: February 8, 2024

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 018591327
Application date November 2, 2021
Publication date January 13, 2022
Entry date April 22, 2022
Expiration date November 2, 2031

Trademark owner

Handelsweg 2
3707 NH Zeist

Trademark representatives

Hoogoorddreef 5 1101 BA Amsterdam NL

goods and services

9 Mobile applications (apps); downloadable software and software applications for so-called smart mobility, including recording, storing, processing and transferring data and information related to the transport and traffic sector and mobility options, also intended to encourage the user to make use of sustainable mobility options
39 Consultancy in the field of transport and mobility; Mobility as a Service (MaaS); information, advice and reservation services relating to passenger transport; organization of transport; planning of journeys; analyzing (anonymous) travel and mobility data
42 Platform as a Service (Paas); Software as a Service (Saas); hosting of a mobility platform

ID: 11018591327