EUIPO EUIPO 2021 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark CATGUARD was filed as Word mark on 11/01/2021 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 10/05/2022. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: February 8, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 018591058
Application date November 1, 2021
Publication date November 25, 2021
Entry date October 5, 2022
Expiration date November 1, 2031

Trademark owner

Unit 5 St. Johns Court Foster Road Ashford Business Park
TN24 0 SJ Ashford,

Trademark representatives

Fleischmarkt 1, 3. Stock 1010 Wien AT

Objection / Complaint

02/21/2022: Likelihood of confusion Unfair advantage /detriment to distinctiveness or repute
Caterpillar Inc.

goods and services

9 Encoded micro particulates, tags and taggants of plastic, metal or silicate for use in the field of passive labeling, tracing or tracking of catalytic converters
42 Security services; Information technology services being database services for the registration, identification, location and verification of property; Information technology services being marking property and maintaining a database in respect of marked catalytic converters; Information technology services being registering catalytic converters and maintaining a database in respect of registered catalytic converters; Information technology services being provision of information on ownership or location of catalytic converters; Information technology services being marking, registration, identification, location and verification of marked catalytic converters for security purposes; creating and maintaining websites; research and development; data analysis services; advisory, consultancy and information services relating to all the aforesaid services

ID: 11018591058