EUIPO EUIPO 2021 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark KATOOL was filed as Word mark on 04/14/2021 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 08/27/2021. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: May 10, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 018452340
Application date April 14, 2021
Publication date May 20, 2021
Entry date August 27, 2021
Expiration date April 14, 2031

Trademark owner

Kirschauer Str. 1A
01324 Dresden

Trademark representatives

goods and services

7 Electrically powered tools; Power operated tools; Mechanical tools; Mechanical tools; Mechanical tools; Modular tools for machines; Rotary tools [machines]; Rotary tool bits [parts of machines]; Abrasive instruments [tools for machines]; Abrasive grinding wheels [tools for machines]; Cemented carbide tips [tools for machines]; Cemented carbide tips for tool bits; Electric tools; Tools [parts of machines]; Tools for machine tools; Machine tools for woodworking machines; Machine tools; Tools for machine tools; Drill aligning instruments for use with machines; Tools for machine tools; Drilling machines; Screwing-in tools [machines]; Roll forming tools [machines]; Roll forming tooling [parts of machines]; Milling tools, in particular, End mills, Milling head cutters, Groove cutters, Screw-in milling cutters, chamfer milling cutters, sprocket milling cutters, radial milling cutters, side milling cutters, Thread mills, Rotary burrs, Machine parts; turning tools, in particular, Turning tools, rotary tool holders, short rotary tool holders, axial grooving tool holders, inner grooving tool holders, mini sockets, thread rotary tool holders, Machine parts; Tool bits for machines; in particular, tools for measuring, turning tools, Milling tools, Tensioning tools
8 Borers, In particular, Thread rolling dies, Bits for flaring, Tapping devices, Reamers, Dies, Spindle heads, Centre drills, Cutter bars, Hard metal cutter bars, threading cutter bars, Parts of hand-operated tools; Boring tools [hand-operated tools]; Thread formers (screw -) [hand operated tools]; Threaders [hand operated tools]; Hand tools and implements [hand-operated]; Hand-operated tools for drilling, In particular, Rotating drilling tools, Nibblers; Rotary drills [hand-operated tools]; Rotary metal cutting tools [hand-operated tools]; Rotary dies [hand-operated tools]; Dies for use with hand operated tools; Cutters [hand operated tools]; Saw blades for use with hand-operated tools; Clamping tools, In particular, Assembly blocks, tailstocks, Prisms, Vices, collets, Tool holders, Tool holding fixtures, Quick-change holders, tubing, Mandrels, angle plates, boring heads, thread-cutting chucks, Manually operated tools
9 Digital panel meters; Panel meters, Especially, Integrated vernier calipers; Jigs [measuring instruments]; Rulers, Especially, Straight-edges; Steel squares; Control angles; Steel squares; Centring angles [measuring instruments]; Measuring instruments, Especially, Compasses, Measuring instruments, Gauge blocks, Bore scopes, Hardness testing apparatus, Tilt meter, Marking calipers, external rapid calipers, Outside micrometers, Thickness gauges, Three-point inner micrometers, Integrated vernier calipers, ring gauges, Individual gauge blocks, Lever indicators, Thread plug gauges, thread plug rings, limit plug gauges, Bevel protractors, Height markers, inductive measuring sensors, inner fine measuring apparatus, Inside micrometers, Inner rapid calipers, Edge finders, Combination measuring apparatus; Magnifying glasses [optics], Vernier caliper, Measuring stands, Measuring and control plates, measuring pins, Measuring tables, Dial indicators, Measuring tool sets, Microscopes, Flat glass, precision spirit levels, testing gauges, Tracing needles, Concentricity gauges, Inner rod measuring screws, rod microscopes with LED, Marking gauges [joinery], Pin microscope, deep measuring screws, Depth gauges, Universal angle meters, apparatus for adjusting z-axes, apparatus for adjusting ignition times
35 Advertising; Business management; Organisation and / or Administration; Office functions. Marketing and promotion services; Retail services, Wholesaling services, Also provided via the Internet, in relation the following goods,:Power operated tools, Electrically driven power tools, Mechanically-operated tools, Mechanically operated tools, mechanical tools, Machine parts, Modular tools for machines, Rotary tools, Machinery, Rotary tool bits, Machine parts, abrading instruments, Machine tools, Sharpening wheels, Machine tools, Cemented carbide tips, Machine tools, Cemented carbide tips for tool bits, Tools, Electric, Tools, Machine parts, Tools for use with machine tools, Machine tools for woodworking machines, Machine tools, Tools for machine tools, Tools, for the following purposes, Orientation of drills, Machine parts, Tools for use with machine tools, Tools, for the following purposes, drilling, Machinery, Tools, for the following purposes, Screwing-in, Machinery, Roll-forming tools, Machinery, Tools, for the following purposes, dies, Rings, Machine parts, Milling apparatus, In particular, End mills, Milling head cutters, Machines for gluing, Screw-in milling cutters, chamfer milling cutters, sprocket milling cutters, radial milling cutters, side milling cutters, thread milling cutters, Rotary burrs, Machine parts, Lathe tools, In particular, Turning tools, rotary tool holders, short rotary tool holders, axial grooving tool holders, inner grooving tool holders, mini sockets, thread rotary tool holders, Machine parts, Tool inserts for machines, In particular, gauge tool, Lathe tools, Milling apparatus, Tensioning tools, Drills for hand-operated tools, In particular, Thread rolling dies, Bits for flaring, Tapping devices, Reamers, Screw-thread cutters, Spindle heads, Centre drills, Cutter bars, Hard metal cutter bars, threading cutter bars, parts of hand-operated tools, Drilling tools, Hand-operated tools, Thread formers, Hand-operated tools, Thread cutters, Hand-operated tools, Hand-operated tools, hand operated implements, Hand-operated tools for drilling, In particular, Rotating drilling tools, Milling apparatus, Rotary drills, Hand-operated tools, Rotary metal cutting tools, Hand-operated tools, Rotary cutting tools, Hand-operated tools, Dies for use with hand-operated tools, Cutting tools, Hand-operated tools, Saw blades for use with hand-operated tools, Tensioning tools, In particular, Assembly blocks, tailstocks, Prisms, Vices, Grippers, Tools holders, Tool holding fixtures, Quick-change holders, Tubing, Bone perforators, Angle plates, boring heads, thread-cutting chucks, Hand-operated tools, Digital panel meters, Panel meters, In particular installation calipers, Gauges, Meters and gauges, Laths, In particular, Straightedges, Steel squares, control angles, steel angles, centring angles, Meters and gauges, Meters and gauges, In particular, Directional compasses, Meters and gauges, Gauge blocks, Endoscopes, Hardness testing apparatus, Inclination measuring devices, Marking calipers, external rapid calipers, outside micrometers, Thickness gauges, Three-point inner micrometers, installation calipers, Adjusting rings, Individual gauge blocks, lever gauges, thread plug gauges, thread plug rings, Limit plug gauges, Bevel protractors, Height markers, inductive measuring sensors, inner fine measuring apparatus, inner measuring screws, inner rapid measuring sensors, edge finders, combination measuring apparatus, Magnifying glasses, Sliding compasses, Measuring stands, Measuring plates, control plates, measuring pins, Plane tables, Dial indicators, Measuring tool sets, Microscopes, Flat glass, precision spirit levels, testing gauges, Tracing needles, Concentricity gauges, Inner rod measuring screws, rod microscopes with LED, Marking gauges (joinery), Pin microscope, deep measuring screws, depth gauges, universal angle meters, apparatus for adjusting z-axes, apparatus for adjusting ignition times

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
May 9, 2024 Change Representative, Published
March 20, 2024 Change Representative, Published

ID: 11018452340