
EUIPO EUIPO 2021 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark V18 was filed as Word mark on 04/01/2021 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 07/31/2021. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: February 8, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 018444807
Application date April 1, 2021
Publication date April 23, 2021
Entry date July 31, 2021
Expiration date April 1, 2031

Trademark owner

Tetbury Hill,
SN16 0RP Malmesbury

Trademark representatives

Claude Debussylaan 54 1082 MD Amsterdam NL

goods and services

7 Floor cleaning apparatus and machines; vacuum cleaners; carpet shampooers; floor polishers; hard floor cleaners; dry cleaning apparatus for floors and carpets; apparatus and machines for applying cleaning preparations to floors and carpets; steam cleaners; handheld vacuum cleaners; stick vacuum cleaners; cordless vacuum cleaners; wet-and-dry cleaning machines; robotic vacuum cleaners; floor tools for vacuum cleaners; stands for vacuum cleaners and other cleaning machines; filters for vacuum cleaners and other cleaning machines; accessories for vacuum cleaners and other cleaning machines; attachments for vacuum cleaners; separators; separation apparatus for use in vacuum cleaners and other cleaning apparatus; dust separators; motors (other than for land vehicles); electric motors for use in domestic appliances; switched-reluctance motors; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods

ID: 11018444807