EUIPO EUIPO 2020 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark VEMAG was filed as Word mark on 12/07/2020 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 05/29/2021. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: February 9, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 018350186
Application date December 7, 2020
Publication date February 19, 2021
Entry date May 29, 2021
Expiration date December 7, 2030

Trademark owner

Weserstraße 32
27283 Verden

Trademark representatives

Am Kaffee-Quartier 3 28217 Bremen DE

goods and services

7 Machines and apparatus for the preparation and processing of foodstuffs; Butchery machines; Mechanical butcher's apparatus; Sausage filling machines; Meat slicing machines; Dough portioning machines; Dough dividers, dough moulds and dough extruders; Vacuum fillers, Moulding machines, Food filling machines; Packaging machines, packaging installations, automatic packaging machines for the food industry; Transport machines, transport belts for the food industry; Parts and fittings for all the above goods
9 Electronic control apparatus (included in class 9) for machines and for the preparation and processing of foodstuffs, butcher's machines, mechanical butcher's apparatus, sausage filling machines, meat slicers, dough portioning machines, dough dividers, dough moulds and dough extruders, vacuum fillers, moulding machines, food filling machines, packaging machines, packaging installations, automatic packaging machines for the food industry, transport machines, transport belts for the food industry, cooking, smoking and cooling chambers for food, in particular for meat and fish goods, and smoke generators and exhaust air purifiers therefor; Digital scales
11 Cooking, smoking and cooling chambers for food, in particular for meat and fish goods, and smoke generators and exhaust air purifiers therefor

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
July 27, 2021 RAW: Seniority - Claims of seniority, Published

ID: 11018350186