EUIPO EUIPO 2020 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark TOTALFIT was filed as Figurative mark on 06/09/2020 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 11/18/2020. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Stylized men formed by curved lines #Backgrounds, in words or numerals, divided into two, vertically #Blue #Grey

Trademark Details Last update: February 8, 2024

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 018251227
Application date June 9, 2020
Publication date August 11, 2020
Entry date November 18, 2020
Expiration date June 9, 2030

Trademark owner

Pol. Ind. Campo Alto. Avda. Benelux, 91
03600 Elda, Alicante

Trademark representatives

C/ O'Donnell, 32 3º. D 28009 MADRID ES

goods and services

10 Masks for use by medical personnel; Surgical masks; Sanitary masks for medical purposes; Hygienic masks for medical purposes
17 Packing padding of rubber for shipping containers; Acoustical insulation for buildings; Foam insulation for use in building and construction; Insulating floor coverings; Insulation for aircraft; Insulations with sealing functions for noise protection; Acoustic insulants; Thermally conductive insulators; Quilted wadding articles for insulation; Acoustical tiles; Insulating water proofing tiles; Insulating bands; Absorbent booms; Barriers for protection against sound; Latex [rubber]; Pre-formed insulation components; Foam rubber; Packing foam in sheet form; Polyurethane foam in blocks for insulating; Polyurethane foam [semi-finished]; Polyurethane foam for insulating purposes; Polyamide foams; Fibres for insulating purposes; Insulating felt; Gum, raw or semi-worked; Extruded polystyrene pellets; Waterproof packings; Gutta-percha; Thermally bonded cotton batting used as a sound deadening material; Microporous synthetic sheets for use in manufacture; Acoustical insulation barrier panels; Rigid polyvinyl chloride foamed sheets for use in manufacture; Polythene sheeting for insulation; Stone wool; Stone wool for insulation; Latex [rubber]; Insulating materials for insulation against heat; Soundproofing materials; Packing materials; Stopping materials; Insulating fillers
25 Footwear; Non-slipping devices for footwear; Heelpieces for footwear; Booties; Tongues for shoes and boots, footwear uppers; Insoles for footwear
27 Yoga mats; Yoga mats; Yoga mats; Gymnastic mats; Carpet tiles made of rubber; Anti-slip material for use under carpets

ID: 11018251227