EUIPO EUIPO 2020 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark SUPERPOWER BUTTON was filed as Word mark on 06/08/2020 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 09/25/2020. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: February 8, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 018250436
Application date June 8, 2020
Publication date June 18, 2020
Entry date September 25, 2020
Expiration date June 8, 2030

Trademark owner

Welkin Hurst Winter Hill Cookham Dean
SL6 9TT Berkshire

Trademark representatives

Suite 308, The Merrion Buildings, 18-20 Merrion Street Upper, D02 XH98 Dublin 2 IE

goods and services

24 Textiles and textile goods; bed covers; sheets; pillow cases; pillow covers; dust ruffles; duvets; duvet covers; covers for cushions; cushion covers; blankets; comforters; curtains; valences; baby buntings; bath towels; face cloths; beach towels; shower curtains; tablecloths; napkins; flags; pennants; handkerchiefs; wall hangings
25 Clothing; footwear; headgear; bathing suits; bathrobes; beachwear; clothing belts; shorts; jackets; coats; socks; scarves; bandanas; sweaters; Halloween costumes; masquerade costumes; character costumes; stage costumes; dresses; gloves; gym shorts; ear muffs; neckwear; pyjamas; loungewear; sleepwear; sportswear; pants; shirts; sweat shirts; ski wear; slacks; sun visors; suspenders; turtlenecks; underclothes; vests; warm-up suits; bodysuits; baby bibs (not of paper)
28 Games and playthings; toys; card games; teddy bears; cuddly toys; stuffed and plush toys; dolls; inflatable toys; action figures; toy figurines; puzzles; jigsaw puzzles; stand-alone video game machines utilizing CD ROMs; stand-alone video game machines; stand-alone audio output game machines; board games; sporting articles; golf clubs; baseballs; footballs; paddle balls; activity balls; baseball bats; skateboards; decorations for Christmas trees

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
January 10, 2023 Change Representative, Published
April 22, 2022 Change Representative, Published
January 7, 2021 Change Representative, Published
January 7, 2021 RAW: Representative - Deletion of the representative, Published

ID: 11018250436