EUIPO EUIPO 2019 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark E.Wedel SWEET BUT FIT was filed as Word mark on 03/01/2019 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 07/19/2019. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: December 3, 2021

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 018029150
Application date March 1, 2019
Publication date April 11, 2019
Entry date July 19, 2019
Expiration date March 1, 2029

Trademark owner

ul. Zamoyskiego 28/30
03-801 Warszawa

Trademark representatives

Nowoursynowska 162J 02-776 Warszawa PL

goods and services

29 Nut-based food bars; Nut and seed-based snack bars; Organic nut and seed-based snack bars; Candied fruit snacks; Dried fruit-based snacks
30 Chocolate; Cocoa; Chocolate products; Non-medicated candy; Pralines; Candy; Sweetmeats [candy]; Cakes; Pastries; Edible wafers; Snack foods consisting principally of confectionery; Bars, including cereal bars and energy bars, granola-based bars and bars containing a mixture of grains, nuts and dried fruit (confectionery); Sesame snacks; Edible ices; Fruit jellies (confectionery); Chocolate spreads; Chocolate topping; Chocolate topping; Chocolate extracts; Mousses (Chocolate -); Chocolate creams; Chocolate desserts; Coffee-based beverages; Chocolate-based beverages with milk; Tea-based beverages; Cocoa-based beverages; Non-medicated confectionery for use as part of a calorie controlled diet; All the aforesaid goods, including being low-calorie, sugar-free or sweetened with stevia or xylitol and/or lactose-free and/or gluten-free and/or vegetarian

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
December 2, 2021 Change Representative, Published

ID: 11018029150