EUIPO EUIPO 2017 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark EGRO was filed as Word mark on 12/22/2017 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 04/24/2018. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: February 8, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 017642935
Application date December 22, 2017
Publication date January 16, 2018
Entry date April 24, 2018
Expiration date December 22, 2027

Trademark owner

Viale della Repubblica, 40 - Frazione Villastanza
20015 Parabiago (Milano)

Trademark representatives

Via Caboto, 35 10129 Torino IT

goods and services

7 Coffee-grinding machines [other than hand-operated] fitted with a device for dosing coffee; mills; machines used to contain, mix and dispense beverages, such as coffee, cocoa or chocolate beverages, tea or soups or any instant powder for beverages; machines and devices relating to coffee machine systems, insofar as they are included in class 7; electromechanical apparatus for producing beverages; all these goods are limited to production systems for coffee-related beverages
9 Automatic apparatus for the supply and distribution of hot or cold drinks, namely coffee, cocoa or chocolate beverages, tea or soups or any instant beverages
11 Espresso coffee makers, electric coffee machines, automatic coffee makers, coffee machines their parts and accessories; devices for hot water production in the form of standalone devices; apparatus and devices for producing hot beverages, in particular cocoa, coffee or chocolate beverages, tea beverages or soups or any instant powder for beverages; refrigerators and refrigerating counters; cup warmers and saucer warmers; all these goods are limited to production systems for coffee-related beverages; electric coffee filters; accessory devices for coffee machines, for automatic coffee makers and for electric coffee filters, namely cup warmers, water heating apparatus in the form of standalone devices, devices and apparatus for hot beverages, refrigerators and refrigerating apparatus relating to coffee machines, automatic coffee makers and electric coffee filters
30 Coffee, cocoa, chocolate and tea beverages; tea; chocolate; cocoa and coffee substitutes and blends; coffee (roasted, powdered, granulated, or in drinks)

ID: 11017642935