Scientific, measuring, signalling and checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments; Apparatus for scientific research in laboratories, testing apparatus, not for medical purposes, measuring apparatus, graduated glassware, measuring instruments, laboratory apparatus, laboratory equipment, measuring apparatus for laboratory, environmental, water and soil analysis, food analysis apparatus, material testing instruments and machines; all the aforesaid goods other than relating to casinos; all the aforementioned goods exclusively for scientific and technological research, experiments and measurement in research laboratories, research and development (RND) and in the context of industrial production, namely in the area of quality control, excluding earth moving, construction, and mining vehicles and earth moving, construction and mining equipment as well as diesel and natural gas engines and industrial gas turbines
Scientific and industrial research, quality control, material testing, chemical analysis, stability analysis, sediment analysis, sedimentation analysis, flotation analysis, particle characterisation, in particular particle size analysis, particle density, particle density distribution, particle interaction, particle shape, particle ductility; Assessment of flocculents, assessment of emulsifiers and de-emulsifiers, development of measuring apparatus for detecting environmental damage, consultancy in matters relating to environmental technology, providing expertise in the field of environmental technology; all the aforesaid services not for use in casinos; all the aforementioned services exclusively for scientific and technological research, experiments and measurement in research laboratories, research and development (RND) and in the context of industrial production, namely in the area of quality control, excluding earth moving, construction, and mining vehicles and earth moving, construction and mining equipment as well as diesel and natural gas engines and industrial gas turbines