EUIPO EUIPO 2016 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark MEYECONTROL was filed as Word mark on 10/04/2016 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 03/09/2017. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: March 25, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 015893415
Application date October 4, 2016
Publication date November 30, 2016
Entry date March 9, 2017
Expiration date October 4, 2026

Trademark owner

Arnoldstr. 19
40479 Düsseldorf

Trademark representatives

Gerard-Mortier-Platz 6 44793 Bochum DE

goods and services

35 Data processing; Computerised file management; Data management services; Computerised data processing; Data processing; Computerised file management; Provision of computerised data relating to business; Advisory services relating to data processing; Compilation and systemisation of data on a central computer; Wholesaling and retailing in relation to smartphones, including via the internet; Wholesaling and retailing in relation to smartwatches, including via the internet; Wholesaling and retailing in relation to mobile phones, including via the internet; Wholesaling and retailing in relation to computer hardware, including via the internet; Wholesaling and retailing in relation to computer software, including via the internet; Wholesaling and retailing in relation to portable computers, including via the internet; Wholesaling and retailing in relation to downloadable music files and electronic publications, including via the internet; Wholesaling and retailing in relation to electric goods and electronic goods, Also provided via the Internet; Wholesaling and retailing in relation to electronic data carriers, sound recording carriers and data carriers, including via the internet; Wholesaling and retailing in relation to security apparatus and security systems
38 Electronic transmission of data; Streaming of data; Data bank interconnection services; Arranging access to computer databases; Arranging access to databases on the internet; Providing user access to computer programmes in data networks; Providing access to databases in computer networks; Provision of access to data on communication networks; Rental of teleprocessing apparatus and instruments
42 Computer software design; Software creation; Software development; Software engineering; Software customisation services; Installation of software; Data decryption services; Data conversion of electronic information; Data encryption and decoding services; Authentication of information, messages and data; Computer programming; Updating of computer software; Updating of software data bases; Writing of programs for data processing; Software development; Custom design of software packages; Custom design of software packages; Computer software technical support services; Maintenance, updating and repair of software; Rental of computer hardware and computer software; Troubleshooting of computer hardware and software problems; Consultancy relating to software for communication systems; Cloud computing; Fog computing; Programming of software for Internet platforms; Configuration of computer networks by software; Configuring computer hardware using software; Hosting services and software as a service and rental of software; Diagnosing computer hardware problems using software; Installation of Internet access software; Software development, programming and implementation; Computer hardware and software consultancy

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
March 22, 2024 Change Representative, Published
September 12, 2017 Change Representative, Published
August 11, 2017 Registration, Published

ID: 11015893415