EUIPO EUIPO 2016 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark SENIOR BOKE was filed as Figurative mark on 06/06/2016 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 12/08/2016. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Letters presenting a special form of writing

Trademark Details Last update: January 30, 2021

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 015511785
Application date June 6, 2016
Publication date August 31, 2016
Entry date December 8, 2016
Expiration date June 6, 2026

Trademark owner

Room 703, Floor 6, NO. 100 Yinghua Road, Pudong New Area
200120 Shanghai

goods and services

32 Beer; Black beer; Beer wort; Malt beer; Ginger beer; Beer-based cocktails; Ginger ale; Fruit juices; Fruit juice; Non-alcoholic fruit juice beverages; Non-alcoholic beverages; Cocktails, non-alcoholic; Aperitifs, non-alcoholic; Non-alcoholic fruit extracts; Fruit nectars, non-alcoholic; Preparations for making beverages; Waters [beverages]; Vegetable juices [beverage]; Vegetable juices [beverages]; Must; Grape must, unfermented

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
January 7, 2021 RAW: Representative - Deletion of the representative, Published

ID: 11015511785