antamatic Logo (EUIPO, 04/12/2016)
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The Union trademark antamatic was filed as Figurative mark on 04/12/2016 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 08/19/2016.
The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".
#Squares #Several quadrilaterals juxtaposed, joined or intersecting #Quadrilaterals containing one or more lines or bands (specify the content) #Set of lines evoking sound or electromagnetic waves
Trademark form | Figurative mark |
File reference | 015329477 |
Application date | April 12, 2016 |
Publication date | May 12, 2016 |
Entry date | August 19, 2016 |
Expiration date | April 12, 2026 |
Date | Document number | Area | Entry |
March 3, 2023 | Change Representative, Published |
ID: 11015329477